Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Food-Initial Thoughts

  Food is an important topic because it is part of daily life and has its own effects entirely and although it can be thought of as simple there is a lot going on when people think about food. One example effect of food would be how it can bring happiness, I mean I’ve never seen someone angry while they are eating (yet obviously is someone yelled at them or punched them thought it would be a different case). My view on food would be that although I don’t agree that people should just eat anything and get obese I don’t think people should stress eating healthy as much as they do, like spending $15 dollars on a vegetable wrap. This leads to an interesting aspect on today and food. An aspect of food that I find interesting is how people eat according to what is popular. People buy food that makes them skinny. People generally want to be nice and skinny and eat accordingly to get this way. People also eat a little even if they are still hungry which makes no sense. I like to get full when I eat. What I mean by this is I won’t be happy with the meal I got and would feel ripped off if by the time I’m done eating I’m still hungry. This view showing how some foods are looked down on and how looking really slim is dominant can be found in media all over the place. I don’t ever think I’ve seen a commercial of a fat guy going to a party and having a great time unless he was fist pumping with one hand and had a burger in the other.

  There are different priorities that come to mind when i think about food. First taste is a very important role in food. Plain and simple if I don’t like the way it taste I’m done with it but because I’m not a picky eater I don’t run into that problem often and if it taste good that makes me want to eat it and lots of it. Next would be my hunger status. What I mean by this is whether I’m starving, or I could go for a bite, or I’m just not hungry. Lastly money and convenience, frankly sometimes food is just too expensive and it just makes sense to go to a McDonalds or pizza shop because it doesn’t cost that much money and they are usually located everywhere. To paraphrase what I heard on the Man vs. Wild show "Never put in more energy in getting food then what the food will actually give you" I say this because if my allowance is but so much and a food cost a lot and its not close its just not worth it besides skipping a meal or two wont kill me.

  My typical home meal does not meet the standard ideal food meal because it would be considered too heavy.  A dinner for me can consist of mashed potatoes, string beans and steak to rice, beans and chicken, also there is occasionally pasta. Although I’m very athletic I don’t force myself to eat extremely healthy. When I’m not at home on the other hand  I tend to go for cheaper meals like Chinese or pizza. Now a days though its all about the salad and other low fat foods but these things fail to meet my standard of what i like to call "tasty food" so I tend to stick with my pizza. You can say your $6 salad tastes as good as my $1 pizza, but who are you fooling you or me?


1 comment:

  1. Stephen,

    Lively writing - some interesting angles.

    Needs to be pruned and sharpened and deepened. Currently comes over as wordy and somewhat superficial.
