Saturday, April 30, 2011

HW 50

June Knights Nadle: Mortician Diaries: June Nadle gives a recollection of true stories from her career as a mortician, starting each chapter explaining how death impacted her life and ending them with a story from a client then her final thoughts on it. She writes hoping to give insight to death and to show from a perspective of dead-honest truth from a life spent with death.

Interesting Quotes:
"The death rate in this world is one per person" (pg 1)
"When we don't live in awareness about deaths inevibility, its finality brings with it so many wishes and regrets."(pg 3)
"Shock can be natures anesthetic, numbing our intense pain." (pg 24)
"The more we know about death the less we fear it. And when fear isn't blocking us were better prepared to deal with whatever life (and death) sends our way." (pg 32)

Something that I found interesting that was discussed during the first part of the book was all the example stories that the author gives during the book she connected back to her life.  like when she dealt with the mother that wouldnt let go of her baby, although it had been dead for 5 hour. She felt compassion because she also was a mom. Or when she helped the lady who lost the family pet. She related it to herself when she wondered what would happen if she had lost her own family pet. When I read this I also thought what happens if I lose my dog also? Because she relates it back to herself, it helps one to bring death in perspective to their own situation rather then an abstact thought. thats why I couldn't agree more with this quote:
"We undestand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love- Madame de Stael

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